Re: Unparseable error
You first test this condition: OR(Area@row = "Grading", Area@row = "Flock") That's cool, it is a true or false question. If true, then ([Grading Records for Flock and Day]@row >…1 · -
Re: Report pulls in a primary column without me specifying it
Common solution is to hide it.1 · -
Re: CONTAINS formula
There is a more efficient way to do this, but these steps will get you there. Create a helper column in the main table that strips the BASE out of the id field. Then in table 2 use match to look for …1 · -
Re: Do formulas work in Workflows?
Yers! And if you take that MAX(COLLECT(Date:Date, Room:Room, Room@row)) and paste it over the [Latest Date]@row, you can delete the helper! But keeping them separate is definitely an easier way to ma…1 · -
Re: Printing Reports
Yup. I use the Live Data Connector to get the data out of Smartsheet. I use Access, but you can use Excel also. Once the LDC is set up, it's very reliable. I would not use Smartsheet without this fea…1 ·